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State officials recognize national crime victims week in Magnolia State

Click here to read and watch WAPT's coverage of National Crime Victims' Week

State officials recognize national crime victims week to honor victims of crime and also their rights under the constitution.

When someone is accused of a crime, the law states that they should be read their rights and have due process, but it may not be so clear for the victims of the crime that was committed.

"If you're a victim of crime, you never asked to be, so you have to make sure that folks who are put in that position have the same level of rights as the person on the other side of the table, we don't want more, we don't want less, just the same," said Director of Marsy's Law for Mississippi Matthew Hebb.

Hebb wants to see the law amend the state constitution to clearly define victims' rights, but what does this law entail?

"This would include things like notification being told when someone is out on probation or parole when someone’s release, the steps of the trial having a right to be there and speak and a right to restitution to name a few," Hebb said.

Jackson police said that a majority of violent crime in 2020 was the result of domestic disputes.

"Those notifications would include, OK, this persons getting out, you should know this for their own safety. This can be very critical in domestic violence situation," Hebb said.

With 48 homicides already in the capital city this year, Hebb said that the families of these victims could greatly benefit from the law.

"If it's a murder situation giving the family the ability to know when where and what is happening having a right to speak during that process and be heard," Hebb said.

In order to become a law, it would first need to make its way through the House and Senate with two-thirds majority and then be voted on by the people at the ballot box.

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is Recognized at East Central Community College

Click here to read and watch WTOK's coverage of The 40th Anniversary of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week at East Central Community College.

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